MotRS_JapanJan 4, 20194 min新年の抱負孤塔の魔導師(Master of the Rogue Spire) はチームメンバー全員が情熱を持って取り組んでいるプロジェクトです。お金の為でも、有名になりたいと言う気持ちの為に開発しているゲームではありません。全員が自分たちの好きな面白いゲームを世の中に広めたい一心で限...
Kale StutzmanJan 2, 20193 minUpdate - New Year's ResolutionsLast year, I set out to write my own version of an Entity Component System (ECS) for Unity based on the designs at T-Machines. I was...
Kale StutzmanDec 15, 20184 minUpdate - Evolution of a ScreenAfter a bunch of late night and a few broken builds, the game is finally running again and better than ever. We’ve spent a lot of time...
Kale StutzmanDec 1, 20182 minCurrent Project StatusWelcome to our new website and blog! We’ve been laying low for a while, still chipping away at the game for the last couple years. In the...